About a half year ago I had a next task: I should run a list of event listeners on a wire and on each handled event that event listener can change (i.e. start listening another event, produce new event listeners, and send requests to the wire). Yes, sound like a FRP task, and once you are familar to FRP this article is not interested for you, except you may try to help me to generalize all logic.

I tried to use monadic approach, however I had too much problems because monads can bind and run opaque functions while all theese computation had to carry additional information, so I end up with function approach: each function returns a command and next function and special runner change it’s state based on this information but I ended with some problems: functions were bloated, function should be written from the end to begining, all additional variables should be passed explicitly through the functions, function can’t be composed as they had types constraints. It was a hell.. A day ago I have read the great arrows totorial http://ertes.de/new/tutorials/arrows.html by Ertugrul Söylemez, and realized that it was an arrow, after some thinking I’ve found a nice solution.

This is a literate haskell post so you can just copy it and compile.

We will need it at the very end to show arrow notation

{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}

We need this for defining new arrow instance.

import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Category

We need this for describing outer world

import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception

Let’s prepare to solve our problem. At first we need to define an outer world bus i.e. an computation that can recieve requests, and sends responce. We define 2 channels for this purpose: input - requests, output - responce. This will not break generalization as you always can insert a channel based proxy between your computation and real-world bus.

So our realworld wrapper will look like:

run :: FIO a b c -> Generator b c -> b -> IO a
run f g i = 
  bracket (do in_  <- newTChanIO 
              out_ <- newTChanIO 
              t <- forkIO $ g in_ out_
              atomically $ writeTChan in_ i
              return (t,in_,out_))
          (\(t, _, _) -> killThread t)
          (\(_, i, o) -> f i o)

, where FIO and Generator are helper types:

type FIO a b c = TChan b -> TChan c -> IO a
type Generator b c = TChan b -> TChan c -> IO ()

A side node that we need to pass initial value as we use bus-driven logic: a message from the bus starts computaion.

Let’s write some generators:

idGenerator :: Generator a a
idGenerator = fGenerator id
fGenerator :: (a -> b) -> Generator b a
fGenerator f ic oc = forever . atomically $ readTChan oc >>= writeTChan ic . f

Now we can review our problem.

We need to define an finite automata, that can either finish it’s computation or return next state. Will write a type for it:

  1. it will be a newtype (let’s name Auto 2) that has step function

    newtype Auto2 <..> = Auto2 { stepAuto :: <..> }

  2. as it’s an automation it should get input value of type a and return either a new value b or new computation:

newtype Auto2 <..> a b = Auto2 { stepAuto :: a -> Either <..> b }

  1. we need to carry information about real world bus through all computations and it can’t change

newtype Auto2 i o a b = Auto2 {stepAuto :: a -> Either (o, <..>) b}

  1. final note is that if we return a new value request than our type is bound by RW-bus: Auto i o i b. So finally we get:
newtype Auto2 i o a b = Auto2 { stepAuto :: a -> Either (o, Auto2 i o i b) b}

[TBD: I need to add a nice pictures rendered in latex]

This is not a function, this is a computation, so we need to write explicit runner to make it work:

runner auto i o = do
    x <- atomically $ readTChan i
    putStr $ "input: "++(show x) 
    let ret = stepAuto auto x
    case ret of
      Left (req, next) -> do
          putStrLn $ " requesting: " ++ show req
          atomically (writeTChan o req)
          runner next i o
      Right ok -> putStrLn (" result: "++show ok) >> return ok

Will write a simple test function that require incremented value:

upTo :: Int -> (Int -> Int) -> Auto2 Int Int Int Int
upTo n f = Auto2 $ \x -> if x >= n
                     then Right $ f x
                     else Left ((x+1),  upTo n f)

Main> run (runner (upTo 2 (2))) (idGenerator) 0

Loading package array- … linking … done.

Loading package stm-2.4.2 … linking … done.

input: 0 requesting: 1

input: 1 requesting: 2

input: 2 result: 4


So far so good but, but I’d like not to write requests explicitly, rather to use some ‘request’ function that will break flow:

request :: o -> Auto2 i o a i
request req = Auto2 $ \_ -> Left (req, Auto2 $ \y -> Right y)

*Main> run (runner (request 5)) idGenerator 0

input: 0 requesting: 5

input: 5 result: 5


One thing is bad: we need an input to request a state, that input will be ignored, it seems that it’s not a problem and will never hit user, however I have no strong explanation.

Now we need a way to compose such computation, not a problem, because this is a Category, so we need just to write an instance:

instance Category (Auto2 i o) where
    id = Auto2 $ \x -> Right x
    auto2 . auto1 = Auto2 $ \x ->
              let out1 = stepAuto auto1 x
              in case out1 of
                  Right b -> stepAuto auto2 b
                  Left (o,auto1') -> Left (o, (auto2 . auto1'))

id will just return a result and have no effects. Composition will run internal computation and if it’s succeed start outer, otherwise continue to run new inner automata untill it succeeds.

At this point we doesn’t gain many advantages as we have only composition of automata, and will have a problems once we will leave the types pipeline.

Now we’ll define an arrow instance so we will be able to lift opaque functions to the Automata level and create a side channels to carry values alongside with computation:

instance Arrow (Auto2 i o) where
    arr f = Auto2 $ \x -> Right (f x)
    first (Auto2 f) = Auto2 $ \(x, y) -> 
        let next = f x
        in case next of
            Right b -> Right (b, y)
            Left  a -> arec (\z -> (z,y)) a

arec g (o, Auto2 f) = Left $ 
         (o, Auto2 $ \x ->
              let next = f x
              in case next of
                  Right b -> Right (g b)
                  Left y  -> arec g y)

Arrow instance just lift a pure function to Automata level, and first run recursive automata and store result in the first box. This is great we can just compose our computation in a straight forward way saving a results alongside a computation

test1 = request 5 >>>
        arr (\x -> (x,x)) >>>
        first (request 6) >>>
        arr (\(x,y) -> x+y)

*Main> run (runner (test1)) (idGenerator 0)

input: 0 requesting: 5

input: 5 requesting: 6

input: 6 result: 11


test2 = arr (\x -> ((),x)) >>>
        first (request 4)  >>>
        arr (\(x,y) -> if y>5 then x+y else x-y)

*Main> run (runner (test2)) idGenerator 6

input: 6 requesting: 4

input: 4 result: 10


*Main> run (runner (test2)) idGenerator 4

input: 4 requesting: 4

input: 4 result: 0


As I said ‘request’ is not a problem as we can feed it with our internal value. Maybe we need to use Void there..

But that’s not all we want to be able to choise between computations

instance ArrowChoice (Auto2 i o) where
  -- left :: a b c -> a (Either b d) (Either c d)
  left (Auto2 f) = Auto2 $ \x -> case x of
          Left b -> let next = f b
                    in case next of
                        Right c -> Right (Left c)
                        Left l -> arec Left l
          Right d -> Right (Right d)
test3 :: Auto2 Int Int Int Int
test3 = arr (\y -> if y > 5 then Left y else Right y) >>>
        left (request 3) >>>
        right (request 7) >>>
        arr (\x -> case x of
                Left x  -> x
                Right y -> y)

*Main> run (runner (test3)) idGenerator 1

input: 1 requesting: 7

input: 7 result: 7


*Main> run (runner (test3)) idGenerator 6

input: 6 requesting: 3

input: 3 result: 3


The only problem that it’s not very easy to write in such a style, thats what an arrow notation is done for:

test4 = proc x -> do
    if x > 5 
        then request 0 -< () 
        else request 10 -< ()

*Main> run (runner (test4)) idGenerator 6

input: 6 requesting: 0

input: 0 result: 0


*Main> run (runner (test4)) idGenerator 1

input: 1 requesting: 10

input: 10 result: 10


Thats all, and thats really awesome: no more explicit function carrying, explicit RW-bus communication that implicilty coupled with all control flow.

At the end I should note, that this is not all functionallity that was in my module, so I’m brifly name what is not present here and how to add it:

  1. There is only one event listener. To fix it one just need to add a state to the runner that state should save all listeners, feed them input and collect output. It can be done in parallel (explicitly via forkIO/channels or implicilty via par)

  2. Listener can’t produce new listeners, it’s just a problem of outer type, it can be changed to o’ = (o, [Auto2]), where fst is result and Auto2 is new listeners.

  3. Listener can send only once command at a time - can be fixed by changing o to [o’].

  4. Listeners handle any event, there are two options: one write a wrapper that will validate any input and either return an unchanged automata with null request or all automatas should be tagged by their receive type and stored in a map.

One big note this is just a learning matherial, if you want to do real world, start reading Ertugrul Söylemez and others about FRP.

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