We introduce a binary tree like data structure with next structure.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Prelude hiding (head, length, drop, take, lookup, null)
import Data.Function
import Data.ByteString.Char8 hiding (empty)
import Test.QuickCheck
-- [Node (current value) l v r eq]
-- | | | +------------------------------------+
-- +---------------------+ | +------------------+ |
-- | | | |
-- + | + |
-- element less value or nothing elements that elements that
-- than current if it intermideate are more then have <current value>
-- node current as prefix
Top level item represent empty value and can have a value.
Inner tree is either an empty value or node, that has left/right children and maybe can have a value and next element
data PMap a = E
| N ByteString (PMap a) (Maybe a) (PMap a) (PMap a)
{- current less value more eq -}
deriving (Show)
Having PrefixMap as a additional layer we can assume, that we have a non-null prefix on each level.
Introduce simple builders
empty :: PrefixMap a
empty = (Nothing, E)
node :: ByteString -> a -> PrefixMap a
node b a | null b = (Just a, E)
| otherwise = (Nothing, N b E (Just a) E E)
Now inserting elements it’s a bit tricky and may be simplified in the way of removing not needed insances
insert :: ByteString -> a -> PrefixMap a -> PrefixMap a
insert b a (v,n) | null b = (Just a, n)
| otherwise = (v, inner b a n)
inner :: ByteString -> a -> PMap a -> PMap a
inner b a E = N b E (Just a) E E
inner b a n@(N b' l v r e) | null b = n
| otherwise =
case comparing head b b' of
LT -> N b' (inner b a l) v r e -- value less then current
GT -> N b' l v (inner b a r) e -- value more then current
EQ -> let x = commonPart b b' -- value has common part
c = take x b
c'= take x b'
n' = N (drop x b') E v E e
in if on (==) length c b' -- b' isPrefix of b
if on (==) length c b -- b' == b
then N c l (Just $! a `fq` v) r e
else N c l v r (inner (drop x b) a e) -- [b < b']
else -- [ c < b ]
if on (==) length c b
then N c' l (Just a) r n'
else N c l Nothing r (inner (drop x b) a n')
fq a _ = a
lookup function
lookup :: ByteString -> PrefixMap a -> Maybe a
lookup b (v, n) | null b = v
| otherwise = lookinner b n
lookinner :: ByteString -> PMap a -> Maybe a
lookinner b E = Nothing
lookinner b (N b' l v r e) =
case comparing head b b' of
LT -> lookinner b l
GT -> lookinner b r
EQ -> let x = commonPart b b'
in if x == length b'
then if x == length b then v else lookinner (drop x b) e
else Nothing
commonPart :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Int
commonPart a b = go 0
go :: Int -> Int
go x | x == y = x
| on (==) (findex x) a b = go (x+1)
| otherwise = x
y = on min length a b
findex = flip index
{-# INLINE findex #-}
comparing = on compare
Check if we are right
prop_InsertList (ls::[String]) =
let x = Prelude.foldl (\o x -> insert (pack x) (pack x) o) empty ls
in Prelude.all (\l -> (l=="") || pack l `lookup` x == Just (pack l)) ls
main = quickCheck prop_InsertList
What interesting is what properties to we have, ideally we can rewrite code thinking of a N c l v r e as a Tree (M v e)
this tree is unbalanced so we don’t have best case: this can be fixed by rewriting structure as RB-tree so tree on each level will be sorted.
this tree doesn’t pack data as it possible: to pack data correctly one need to store a lenght of full bytestring in each node and replace element by the longer string, and copy bytestiring at the leaf node. It this variant we will smallest overhead.
Node can be rewritten as N (PMap a) (PMap a) (PrefixTree a) this will add a level of indirection but will simplify an insert and lookup a bit.
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